Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sunday Compliments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Almost finalized award categories
Most diverse subject matter
Most distinct voice
Best Up-and-Coming Blog
Least likely to get "marked as read"
Best Title
Best Design
Best Group Blog
Blogger I'd most like to have a beer with
Best commenter
Most Sincere
Most Interesting
Most Encouraging/Inspirational
Best Guest Blogger
Relationships blog
Occupation/Career blog
Traveling blog
Shopping blog
Parenting Blog
Student Life Blog
Newbie award (turned 20 in 2008)
Last chance award (29 in 2008)
Best 20sb user photo
Best cross-platform experience (blog+ twitter/tumblr/, etc) Read rest of these entry>>>
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Compliments Week Continues!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Compliment Week- Friday Part 3
-the almost right word
Emily has become a great friend! Today she listened to me cry and stress for like 20 minutes about the stuff going on in my life. She has really helped me through a lot of crap and I'm glad that I met her through blogging!
Narm: In short, he's funny AND he's hot. I think that sums it up. ;)
Jessica: You are just the coolest blogger I know! :)
Compliment Week- Friday Part 2
Blogging Barbie: You know I *heart* the shit out of you. Your posts crack me the eff up. I think the first one of yours I read was about you getting a speeding ticket and I'm pretty sure I almost had Diet Coke coming out of my nose. Come to GA? Plzthkxbai.
Deutlich: I have so much respect for Deutlich, i think she's a fabulous writer and she's real. She writes from the heart on various subjects and is always one of the first blogs I read when I see she's updated.
Princess Pointful: Seriously one of the sweetest bloggers I've come across and I absolutely adore her writing, even if I'm a lazy git sometimes and forget to comment.
Brandy: Your blog is one of the first I fell in love with when I started reading over a year ago. You're always one of the first I click to and you ALWAYS make me smile. You seem like you'd be fun to have a couple (or seven) glasses of wine with while discussing the effortless sexiness of Jim Halpert among other IMPORTANT topics of our generation.
Compliment Week- Friday Part 1
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Compliment Week- Thursday Part 4
Compliment Week- Thursday Part 3
Compliment Week- Thursday Part 2
Compliment Week- Thursday Part 1
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Compliment Week- Wednesday Part 3
Compliment Week- Wednesday Part 2
Compliment Week- Wednesday Part 1
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Blog Swap 3: Tomorrow!
Compliment Week- Tuesday Part 2
Compliment Week- Tuesday Part 1
Monday, November 17, 2008
Compliment Week- Monday Part 2
Compliment Week- Monday Part 1
Monday, November 10, 2008
Blog Carnival 9 coming up!
Blog Carnival 9 is open! The topic is TRAVEL!
Tell us about your favorite trip, your excursions, your honeymoon, whatever! Some of us have traveled to some fantastic places and for those of us who haven't let us live vicariously through you!
How to enter to the Travel Blog Carninval??
1. Write a travel related post on your blog
2. Email Tipp at the URL to your post and the URL to your 20sb page.
3. Submit the above two URLs to me by November 31.
4. Check out the 20sb Blog for the winners to be posted by December 5th!
The best and most well-written TRAVEL submissions will be showcased in a magazine type format with links to your post on the 20sb Blog.
Email with any questions!
Read rest of these entry>>>Saturday, November 8, 2008
20sb Compliment Week
Over the next week, you can submit compliments on other 20sb members. You can submit through your own name or anonymously.
Then, starting November 16th, I'll start posting the compliments here on this blog!
So go submit some compliments (as many as you like!) and then start checking in back here to see if anybody complimented you, or as a chance to discover new blogs that are complimented!
(Click here to be taken to the compliment submission page)
(Some have said that link is broken. If you cannot use surveymonkey, please submit here) Read rest of these entry>>>
Blog Carnival 8: Job and Career
Heather from Toughgirl 101
So When Are You Going To Finish That Book?
There's a book I want to write. It exists only in outlines and little snippets in my head. Writing it has been a dream of mine since I first learned to appreciate the English language.
Ginger from Ramble Ramble
I Guess I'm the GrownUp Now
It's sometimes a shock to my system that I'm the grownup now. I mean, seriously? But then things happen that sort of drive home the point
The Almost Right Word
I Will Wait No More
Last night was the culmination of my "career" as your friendly neighborhood server.Read rest of these entry>>>
I will no longer dress in a white, button-down, collared shirt and tie. I will no longer polish silverware. I will no longer ask if ice water or bottled is preferred. I will no longer watch as everyone around me sips their wonderful red wine or sangria.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Blog Carnival 7: Passions
Our Great Destiny
From Pipe Dreams and Professions
Where was the Passion?
A Blog of Her Own
Rosie Made Me Do It Read rest of these entry>>>
Header Contest Winner!
This is the new 20sb header!
Thanks to all who voted and submitted entries.
To read more about the creation of this header, click here. Read rest of these entry>>>