Saturday, May 2, 2009

Featured Blogger Interview: Katelin

Lisa: This is an interview with Katelin of

Hey Katelin

Katelin: Heyo

Lisa: You've been a member of 20sb for a really long time, right?

How does it feel to finally join the hallowed ranks of Featured Blogger?

Katelin: Haha, yeah I think I was in the 200s group

It feels pretty awesome actually, not going to lie, I wrote a whole post about it,

Lisa: Link us to the post!


Ta da!

Lisa: nice, thanks

For how long have you been blogging?

Katelin: It'll be two years May 9th

Lisa: happy early anniversary!

What made you start blogging?

Katelin: Well my friends and I had started one but that fell apart, then I had to read them all day for my job so I figured I could start one and see where it went

Now I don't know what I'd do without it

Lisa: Oh, I hear that big time

I know you just got engaged, and you love celeb news, but what are some other big topics that you blog about? and how would you describe your average reader?

Katelin: Well celebrities are the most constant topic since every Tuesday is dedicated to Hollywood news, and the engagement is so new I don't know how much I'll talk about wedding planning, but I also talk about my every day life, past college stories, share random stories I find online. It's all a pretty good mix of random, haha.As for my average reader, I'd say it's people that don't mind reading Hollywood gossip, enjoy random factoids, and are as easily amused as I am

Lisa: Do you use twitter and/or tumblr?

Katelin: I am most definitely a twitterer, I even got lucky, since I joined over a year ago that my name is my twitter account, makes it easy:

Lisa: Oh lucky, hardly anybody gets their actual name

Katelin: Haha yeah and I don't know too many Katelin's spelled my way either

Lisa: Where do you live, where did you go to school?

Katelin: I live in good ole Pasadena, California, and for anyone that doesn't know where that is, just think Rose Bowl. As for college I went nowhere near California and trotted off to Denison University in Granville, OH, definitely a change from So Cal life

Lisa: Why'd you move back?

Katelin: Well I am truly a California girl at heart, I just wanted a change for college, I always knew I'd come back

Lisa: What has one of your most popular posts been?

Katelin: Haha that's funny you ask because my most popular one was from Monday, when I told everyone I got engaged over the weekend. Definitely the most comments I have ever gotten on a post that wasn't a contest

Lisa: Tell us your engagement story!

Katelin: Well I've been with Matt (the fiancee, man that word still makes me giggle) for almost 3 years, but I've known him 9 so I kind of knew we'd get engaged one day I just didn't know when.

But Friday he said he had the best birthday present ever (since my birthday was Saturday), and he was right, he surprised me and flew in my best friend from North Carolina, then we came back to our apartment for a surprise dinner, and after dinner he took me outside for "one more present"

And he told me to close my eyes, and when I opened them he was in front of me on one knee with a ring

Lisa: hooray!

Is there anything else you think the 20sb crowd reading this interview might want to know?

Katelin: Ummm, I met Joshua Jackson last Thursday and that was pretty amazing, since I'm a huge fan, and I can't do a cart wheel, and I don't like strawberries. All relevant stuff of course

Lisa: Very relevant

I don't like strawberries that much either, so we're basically twins

Katelin: What are your thoughts on zuchinni? Because if you don't like that either, then we are definitely twins

Lisa: sorry, I love it in spaghetti sauce or stir fry only.

I guess not twins, just close cousins or something

Katelin: That works too

Lisa: Perfect!

Well, thanks for the interview and have fun planning your wedding!

Katelin: Haha thanks I'm sort of secretly but not at all secretly excited :)

Lisa: I love secret-not-secrets!

well, I'll talk to you later then! Bye

Katelin: Byeee!


Angela said...

Man, I'm sad that the interviews didn't start until AFTER I was featured!

Andhari said...

this is the best, the way she said heyo captured me :P